(Finance) – Something begins to move on Early pension of school staff And on the university training period recognized for free for social security purposes also for teachers and ATA staff who operate in public school: the request, formulated for a few months by the union Anief, It therefore arrives in the classrooms of Parliament, where it will be presented for the first time to the deputies who will be commissioned to evaluate their regulatory feasibility.
“We still cannot announce the details of the initiative – he explains Marcello Pacifico, National President Anief -, but we can already say from now that our union does not intend to stop at the online aperitION with which to activate the retirement of school staff within 60 years of age and with free redemption of the years of university training: in practice, we have and we continue to ask to ask Enter, on an advance level, the school staff to that of the Armed Forces and the Police. Also because among the teachers, as well as between ATA staff, psychological suffering and Burnout reach levels very above the other sectors. Our request has depopulated, collecting over 100 thousand subscriptions, and I believe that we could not collect even more “.