School, contract renewal: Anief continues negotiations at Aran on new rules

School contract renewal Anief continues negotiations at Aran on new

(Finance) – Giving more weight to the requests of the school union representatives and to the needs of the staff who ask to change premises: these are the requests presented today by Anief to Aran, on the occasion of a new meeting on the changes to be introduced in the common part of the national collective agreement for Education and Research 2019/2021starting with the innovations to be introduced for trade union relations

“We presented to the table – he explains Marcello Pacifico, national president of Anief – our proposals for amendments and additions also on the part of trade union relations. Specifically, we believe that the subjects being discussed are once again the subject of negotiation and the union meetings can be called by the individual RSU, just as the information from the school manager must be timely”.

“On the subject of mobility – he continued Pacific – we believe that it should return to being the exclusive competence of bargaining, however we have found from the text that has come down to us, that various proposals, such as for example the right of precedence in the request for mobility for women victims of violence, have not been implemented. It seems to us a duty towards those who are facing such a delicate moment in their lives”.

Today the positions of Anief – the union said in a note – were presented by the delegation made up of the general secretaries Chiara Cozzetto and Giovanni Portuesi, who also presented modification proposals for the school section of the contractual text. During today’s discussion, possible further changes to the articles contained in the draft CCNL were discussed. The discussion at the Aran will resume next February 21 with the discussion on smart working and disciplinary responsibility.
