School contract, agreement reached for renewal

School contract agreement reached for renewal

(Finance) – It was reached today at the ARAN the agreement with the trade union organizations for the renewal of the National Collective Bargaining Agreement (CCNL) Education, University and Research Section 2019/21. The Minister of Education and Merit, Joseph Vallettaraexpresses full satisfaction with the definition of the negotiations that led to the signing of the hypothesis of a national collective agreement, with the agreement of the main trade union representatives.

“The new contract marks an important step forward towards increasing the value of all school staff, both teachers and ATA”, said Valditara. “The functions of the tutor teacher and guidance teacher have also been transposed into contracts and this will make it possible to definitively affirm the principle of personalization of education, emphasizing the centrality of the student’s person in the system”.

The definition of the contract follows the result of thepolitical agreement signed between the Minister and the trade unions on 22 November which, in addition to making the increases payable immediately, has made available to the collective bargaining between ARAN and trade union organizations, for the renewal of the CCNL in the Education sector, additional financial resources, allocated by the budget law for the year 2022 on the Fund for Improvement of the Training Offer (FMOF), equal to 300 million euro. This helped determine an average increase for teaching staff of 124 euros per month.

With further measures greater protection was granted to precarious teaching and Administrative, Technical and Auxiliary (ATA) staff, allowing the use of three paid days of leave for personal or family reasons.
The commitments of the November political agreement have also materialized, recognizing a further stable increase in Teachers’ Professional Remuneration (RPD) which leads to an overall recalculated value ranging from 194.80 euros to 304.30 euros per month and a further increase in the Additional Individual Compensation (CIA) which leads to an overall recalculated value ranging from 79.40 euros to 87.50 EUR. Added to this is also a 10% increase in the salaries of additional hours for teachers financed with the FMOF.

With regard to the recently introduced activities, which see tutors and counselors as protagonists, they have been implemented in the contract which classifies them as professional functions and brings them back into the bargaining process, following up on a specific commitment made to that effect by the Ministry.

In the contract was given a important acknowledgment also to the ATA staff. In fact, it was possible to foresee a reorganization of the areas relating to the ATA staff of the educational institutions, offering concrete opportunities for professional development to an audience of approximately 182,000 employees. Thanks to Minister Valditara’s input, it was possible to find the financial resources necessary for a substantial increase in the relative economic positions.

In this direction the contract provides for: 1) activate vertical professional developments from profile A to the profile of Operator, also to promote a qualified activity of assistance to the needs of pupils with disabilities. The intervention was carried out using the foreseen contractual financial resources (0.55% of the wage bill equal to 36.9 million euros per year); 2) simplify the procedures for accessing economic positions through a faster training and assessment process for inclusion in a three-year ranking. In order to ensure training for ATA personnel for the attribution of economic positions, the Ministry has also supported an amendment to DL PA 2 which provides for the allocation of additional financial resources; 3) attribute new horizontal economic positions. In fact, in the face of the current situation which sees the attribution of 56,103 economic positions for a total gross State value, for 13 months, equal to 66,944,857.50 euros, additional resources have been made available for negotiation to finance the attribution of further economic positions and/or any economic revaluations equal to 72,031,852.50 euros gross of the State; 4) set up a new system of professional profiles which will make it possible to enhance ATA personnel and the top figures of the General and Administrative Services Directors (DSGA) through a new area of ​​officials to whom it will be possible to assign a three-year assignment of “high professional qualification” (with an increase in salary equal to 60 euros per month), eliminating area C (to date never used) and, in the transitional phase, the possible stabilization in this area of ​​the current acting administrative assistants who have carried out the role of DSGA in schools, through confidential selective procedures. The current tenured DSGAs will retain the right to have a highly qualified position assigned until termination.
