School, Anief: “Year starts again with a lack of personnel, competitions with too many stakes”

School Anief rules on pensions must be changed reassess ATA

(Finance) – Another school year with a shortage of permanent staff: they will be missing at least 150 thousand teachers, 10 thousand ATAs and 200 principals. The complaint comes fromAnief which accuses the government of having banned competitions with too many stakes and preferred to create the figure of “expert” teacher rather than establishing a reward system for all. Also for this the Anief will take to the streets in Rome next Tuesday to protest against the Aid Bis decree.

Seven competitions started this year, including five completed, but too many stakes which excluded 80-90% of the candidates and now there will be 150,000 annual substitutes that will need to be stipulated. The situation is still more critical about support, where almost as many alternate teachers, mostly unskilled, are added to the 100,000 permanent teachers. According to the calculations of the Anief, the lack of teachers, Ata and principals is even higher, because in the calculation the so-called “de facto” places that the school offices do not always advertise before the start of the new year must be considered.

“It is of little use to authorize 94,130 permanent hires, given that no more than 35 thousand have been made and at most half of them will be covered. less than 60 thousand completed “, he points out Marcello Pacificopresident of the Anief union, adding “the truth is that we continue not to stabilize as the EU is asking and as the European Court of Justice and the European Committee of Social Rights have reiterated, urged by Anief. Also, let’s not forget that the year is about to restart with a pandemic still in progress and presumably rising again in the fall. “

“For avoid leaving schools unguarded and teaching – argues the trade unionist – as well as stabilize by Gps also as a common band, not only as a support, this year would have been important confirm the 80 thousand teachers and Ata ofCovid organic introduced in 2021 precisely to deal with Covid. Likewise, all the teachers who participated in the tests had to be included in the merit rankings of the extraordinary competition bis.
