School, Anief urges immediate renewal of the contract as happened for Health

School Anief urges immediate renewal of the contract as happened

(Finance) – The collective health agreement has been renewed at Aranwith an agreement in extremis reached during the night, but the Anief appeals to the need to find an agreement immediately for the workers of School, University and Research for which slightly higher increases and arrears are expected.

A minimum average monthly gross increase of 90 eurosplus € 3,000 in arrears and specific category allowances. A nurse will receive a € 158 increase average gross, deriving from the generalized increase plus the nursing allowance, to which is added, if you work in the emergency services, an additional allowance of 100 euros. The contract renewal also provides for “high position assignments”, with indemnity bonuses ranging from 10 to 20 thousand euros, plus organizational innovations, such as a new management of agile work and the strengthening of trade union relations.

For Anief, the renewal of the health contract still pays off the signing of a similar contract is more urgent for the sector Education, University and Research.

A new confrontation at Aran is scheduled for Tuesday 28 June – remembers Marcello Pacifico, national president of Anief – and at that time we will reiterate the urgent need to sign a national collective agreement ‘bridge’: among other things, for the school staff the increases would be even slightly greater, equal to 100 euros gross plus arrearsa few hundred more than those given to Healthcare workers “.

“I remember the school staff from this stalematewith the contract still in 2018 – underlines the pollster – it was penalized twice and it is also essential that the PNRR Decree be approved with substantial changes, because if converted into law as approved by the Government it would also compromise the employment contract “.

Anief has sent one in recent days detailed platform on the changes to be made to the draft contract renewal 2018/21, with allowances to be introduced also for school, university and research staff. Among the proposals there is also the increase in the number of days for parental leave and of all workers who have care duties as parents or carers, plus protection for employees of universities and research bodies not supervised by the ministry of the university.
