School, Anief: Teachers’ and ATA’s rights do not go on vacation

School Anief Teachers and ATAs rights do not go on

(Finance) – The summer continues toolegal action proposed by theAnief to defend the rights of school workers: the Research Office of the autonomous union has in fact calculated that in the months of July and August 2024 the sum of compensations in favor of teachers and the staff Atawhich brings the compensation guaranteed since last January to approximately 9 million and 600 thousand euros, the result of approximately 4 thousand cases brought forward and won in many cases Courts of Italy.

“These are very high numbers and growing – he comments Marcello Pacificnational president of Anief – which fully confirm the validity of the appeals produced by Anief, always to protect school workers. These are legal cases that touch on various issues: they range from the recovery of unused and never paid holidays, as well as ‘Rpd and Cia’, items not present in the salaries of teachers and ATA staff who have signed short and occasional contracts: from career reconstructions that do not take into account pre-role periods to the Teacher Card not assigned to temporary staff. Therefore, through our specific appeals tailored to the individual needs of the school employee, we arrive at fair and often significant reimbursements and compensations, amounting to thousands of euros”.
