(Finance) – It’s high rate of intolerance in the school for failure to apply exceptions which allow early exit from work to retire, in advance and without penalties compared to the inappropriate threshold introduced starting from 2011 with the Monti-Fornero reform: in just 48 hours there were 10 thousand signatures joining the Anief petition for retirement at 60, with maximum contributions and free redemption of the degree, specifically for the teaching and scholastic staff of the Italian school, the oldest in Europe and in the world .
“This petition – explains the promoter Marcellus Pacificnational president Anief – wants to grant teaching and school staff the same window for the 60-year age limit pension provided for personnel of the military forces (Legislative Decree 66/2010) and police forces (Legislative Decree 334/2000), with the possibility, upon request, to remain in service also with tutoring and orientation tasks for new hires, with incentives, up to 67 years of age”.
The initiative calls for the teaching and school staff the same too free redemption of the years university of legal value of the degree, provided for officers of the military forces by art. 32 eel Presidential Decree 1092/1973, as a qualification for access to the profession. The request is also due to the latest ARAN report on the chronological age of public administration employees, from 2021, which confirms the progressive aging of teaching and school staff, compared to the current pension reform which provides for retirement after almost 44 years of contributions or the age limit of almost 68 years of age.
In 2021, as many as 235,741 units were in service at school aged over 60 (18 6%), despite what happened in the police forces with 2,296 units (0.8%) and in the armed forces with 186 units (0.1%): this is due to the specificity of the military system, of risk, but in spite of the burnout which is not recognized for teachers and all school staff.
Even to overcome the generation gap between students and teachers, modernize the teaching staff, intervene on burnout, therefore, the Anief union deems it necessary to change the rules on access to pensions and on the free redemption of the years of training of teaching and school staff. “Your support – we read in the petition – can push the Government and Parliament to change the law also to overcome the findings opposed by the Consulta in sentence no. 270/2022 for Police Force Officials, and to recognize the professionalism and peculiarity of the work of the teaching body and all school staff”.