School, Anief: “Military service after graduation counts as substitutes”

Military or equivalent service Anief Justice is prevailing

(Finance) – The compulsory military service and the civil service equivalent to it, performed in constant employment, are considered effective service rendered in the same qualification, therefore useful and assessable for access to roles and for the career. This is what the court of Trapani, in evaluating the recourse of a precarious school worker included in the Ata staff rankings.

In the sentence, issued a few days ago following the “combination of the different rules”, the judge verified that the administration had a “misleading interpretation of art. 2050 of Legislative Decree 66/2010” and therefore concluded that “the period of military service by conscription or by recall and the civil service replacing that of conscription is valid for all purposes” and therefore “must be recognized in full with the relative score, rather than with that inherent in the service carried out in another administration” . The Ministry of Education he was thus sentenced “to award the applicant 16.90 points (instead of 11.50 points) for the Administrative Assistant profile and 13.60 points (instead of 8.20 points) for the Technical Assistant and School Collaborator profiles as a score “.

“On the evaluation of military or equivalent service, if subsequent to the attainment of the qualification, – he comments Marcello Pacifico, national president of Anief – the labor courts cannot evade what has been said by the Council of State, for which it is a service performed in any case for the State: therefore, it cannot be considered in the non-specific rankings. Administrative workers, technicians and school collaborators can therefore obtain the full evaluation of military service performed without constant appointment by requesting more detailed information from the Anief office closest to them “.
