School, Anief: extensive intervention necessary to restore respect and authority of teachers

European elections and work the discussion begins in Rome promoted

(Finance) – “The new rules that we want to introduce to review the behavioral evaluation of students represent an appreciable initiative, but they are certainly not enough to restore the culture of respect towards teaching staff because it is necessary to operate in a much broader scope of intervention, starting from freedom of evaluation which must be restored with specific legislative and ministerial decrees”.

He said it today Daniela Rosano, general secretary of Anief, in a video message recorded at the end of the hearing held at the Culture Commission of the Chamber of Deputiesby a delegation of the school’s young union, to improve the text of the law currently being approved on the revision of the student evaluation discipline.

In addition to the regulatory changes to protect teachers, the trade unionist explained that it is increasingly essential for those who administer public schools to commit themselves to introducing “additional staff, especially where there is greater economic and social hardship among students” . Rosano finally declared that “undoubtedly we also need to restore an observatory on burnout which greatly affects school workers, in particular Italian workers who are among the oldest in Europe”.

Marcello Pacifico, national president of Anief, he added that “the legislative measure that we want to approve to promote the culture of respect and affirm the authority of teachers is certainly welcomed: it is necessary to put the principle of responsibility and to restore full serenity to the working context of teachers and school staff. We believe it is useful to review this discipline in consideration of ever-increasing episodes of school violence. It is appreciable that the conduct mark influences the credit expected for the state exam and that the attribution of a negative mark also occurs for violations of the Institute regulations”.

“It is important, however, to reiterate that the evaluation of behavior must not be a punitive device but, always taking into account the training and educational objectivesmust contribute to increasing the values ​​of civil coexistence, awareness of the values ​​of citizenship and – concludes Pacifico – a sense of belonging to the school community”.
