School, 10,000 hirings so far for disabled support. Anief: laughable numbers

Education vertical progressions Confrontation between administration and unions closed

(Finance) – The first indications are arriving on the hiring Of support teachers implemented for theschool year 2024/25: it is about 10,000 contracts signedof which 1,622 from mini call veloce supporto: the positions were assigned first by GaE and competitions, then through the first band of the Provincial Rankings for support substitutes and then by mini call veloce. The contract stipulated, Orizzonte Scuola reminds today, will be fixed-term for the 2024/215 school year, aimed at entering the role after passing the probationary and training year, which also includes the simulated lesson.

Second Marcello Pacificnational president of Anief, “the numbers of new support teacher hirings remain incredibly low, because there are over 100 thousand vacant positions, most of which are still in derogation: we welcome the will of the Minister of Education and Merit, Giuseppe Valditara, to gradually bring them all into the legal staff, useful for permanent placements and transfers, so as to reduce once and for all the number of precarious workers who in the meantime will also have the concrete possibility of specializing through Indire courses”.

For Anief that of the transformation into organic Of right of derogation places represents an important achievement: the young union has long denounced it to the European Committee of Social Rights after ten years of free legal battles for families carried out through the campaign ‘Not an hour less’ – with the activation of free appeals aimed at the immediate activation of the hours of support foreseen and not granted – to which are added the recent ones against the failure to cover the need for teachers specialized in access to Tfa support.
