Scholz: Germany wants to diversify its economy, not break away from China

Scholz Germany wants to diversify its economy not break away

China’s reluctance to condemn Russia’s attack on Ukraine came to the fore when the German Chancellor met the Chinese Prime Minister on Tuesday in Berlin.

Germany does not seek to separate its economy from China, but rather to diversify its foreign trade in order to balance international relations around the world.

However, German companies still have difficulty entering the Chinese market and some practices adopted by China are unfair to foreign companies.

This is what the German chancellor thinks Olaf Scholz after meeting the Chinese Prime Minister today Li Qiang’s in Berlin.

Scholz commented on the relations between the countries in the afternoon at a press conference in the capital.

– Direct dialogue, personal conversations and genuine interaction. All this is even more important in these exceptional times, characterized Chancellor Scholz.

According to Prime Minister Li, China is ready and able to promote the healthy development of economic relations between the countries.

The attitude towards Russia rubs relations

In recent days, China’s highest leadership has met with a lot of leaders from Western countries. On Monday, the US Secretary of State Antony Blinken met the President of China in Beijing Xi Jinping.

China’s reluctance to condemn Russia’s attack on Ukraine is straining the relationship between China and the Western powers, among other things.

The issue also came up in the meeting between Scholz and Li. The Chancellor said at the press conference that he had asked China to use more of its influence on Russia regarding the war in Ukraine. Scholz also warned China against supplying weapons to Russia.

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on Tuesday that Russia is not concerned that the United States might try to influence China’s foreign policy.

– We are strategic partners with China. This gives us confidence that the relations developed by Beijing with other countries are never directed against us, Peskov said.

Source: Reuters
