Scary images! This is how they massacred blindfolded and handcuffed civilians

Scary images This is how they massacred blindfolded and handcuffed

In Syria, images were published in which the Assad regime killed at least 41 civilians in 2013 in the Tadamon District in the south of the capital, Damascus. In the shared footage, it is seen that civilians who were detained blindfolded and handcuffed and told to run were shot.


The images were published by The Guardian newspaper. In the images shared by Martin Chulov from The Guardian and titled “Tadamon massacre: Syria secret war crime”, it is seen that Amjad Youssuf, who is alleged to be a Syrian intelligence officer, shot civilians who were detained blindfolded and handcuffed and told to run.


Chulov said that he saw many images of atrocities recorded on camera, but these latest images especially shocked him, that civilians were marching to their deaths and were sometimes mocked just before their deaths.

Stating that it is difficult to determine why this civilian group was chosen for the massacre, Chulov stated that the prevailing view was that a very strong and deadly message was sent to the civilians in that region, and that this message was “not to take the side of the opposition”.


Pointing out that it took many years for those who reached the said images to leave Syria, Chulov said:

“The decision to release these images was not an easy one, but there is a huge public interest here. Here, a Syrian state military unit executes unarmed, blindfolded civilians in an execution pit and then burns their bodies and fills the pit. Amjad is still in Unit 227, which is known for its brutality. A military intelligence officer on duty.”

Noting that the video in question is important in revealing the crimes committed by the regime’s intelligence service, Chulov said, “We hope that this video and others that may emerge will begin to bring some sense of justice to the thousands of families still searching for their loved ones, who do not know whether they are in prison or not.” used the phrase.

Source: AA
