Scarlett Johansson is set to star in Jurassic World 4

Scarlett Johansson is set to star in Jurassic World 4

Update: As the Hollywood Reporter reports, Scarlett Johansson is actually in talks to star in Jurassic World 4. But she’s not sure yet. The original message follows.

Developments surrounding the recently announced sci-fi adventure blockbuster Jurassic World 4 are rapid. The latest sequel to the Dino series is scheduled to hit cinemas in July 2025. A director is said to have been found in Rogue One and The Creator maker Gareth Edwards.

Now there’s another one Hot rumor about Jurassic World 4 surfaced, which involves a Hollywood mega-star. The casting coup would be perfect.

Scarlett Johansson has reportedly been offered the lead role in Jurassic World 4

As industry insider Jeff Sneider writes on his blog The InSneider, Avengers star Scarlett Johansson is said to have been offered a leading role in the upcoming sci-fi film. She has reportedly already met with director Edwards and producer Frank Marshall. Her filming schedule is probably still free for the coming summer, which could make her participation in Jurassic World 4 possible.

None of these details have been officially confirmed yet. However, Sneider’s preliminary information is often reliable and is confirmed shortly afterwards. If Johansson accepts the lead role in the adventure spectacle, an official announcement should follow shortly.

When does Jurassic World 4 start in cinemas?

The latest part of the sci-fi series runs from July 3, 2025 in German cinemas.

There are no details about the story of Jurassic World 4 yet. But it’s supposed to be a franchise reboot, for which previous stars like Chris Pratt will not return. With Scarlett Johansson, the series would definitely have a new strong figurehead in the cast.

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