Scarlett Johansson fights against Dino’s extinction in the rebirth of the series

Scarlett Johansson fights against Dinos extinction in the rebirth of

Even millions of years of species death cannot harm a blockbuster franchise. In any case, it can be seen in Jurassic World 4: The rebirth that Steven Spielberg’s franchise is resolving for the second time. In the first trailer, Scarlett Johansson struggles for the life of countless dinosaurs.

Take a look at the first trailer for Jurassic World 4:

Jurassic World 4: The rebirth – trailer (German) HD

Jurassic World 4 sends Scarlett Johansson to a dangerous mission

The Jurassic World 4 plot is already roughly known: the earth’s okösystem, which has changed enormously over millions of years, threatens the survival of the dinosaurs. As Expert for top secret operations Should collect Zora Bennett (Johansson) DNA samples for a miracle healing.

Jurassic Park 4 not only offers the dinosaurs, but also his franchise a new chance of rebirth: 32 years after Steven Spielberg’s masterpiece Jurassic Park and ten years after Jurassic World, the blockbuster in its 2025 series is to miss another fresh cell cure. The film is the overall seventh cinema part of the Jurassic universe.

For the new beginning, many stars gathered behind the camera. In addition to Scarlett Johansson, Mahershala Ali (Moonlight), Jonathan Bailey (Bridgerton) and Ed Skrein (Deadpool) will be shown in the film. Gareth Edwards (Godzilla, Rogue One, The Creator) took a seat on the director’s chair.

When does Jurassic Park 4 come: The rebirth to the cinema?

However, it will take a while before the survival of the dinos is decided again. Jurassic Park 4: The rebirth is on July 2, 2025 come into the German cinemas. Steven Spielberg is on board as a executive producer.
