Scannapieco: CDP action follows a guideline that listens to the territory

Scannapieco CDP action follows a guideline that listens to the

(Finance) – “Today we have opened a new territorial office of the Group, here in Brescia; the second in the region, after the one in Milan, with the aim of guaranteeing wide coverage of the territory of the region”. In the 2019-21 three-year period alone, CDP has mobilized around 8 billion euros in Lombardy, financing over 18,000 companies and nearly 300 public administration bodies.

“With these resources – he said Dario Scannapieco, CEO and General Manager of CDP during the inauguration of the new territorial office – we financed schools and supported important strategic infrastructures for the Region and the Municipality: motorways (such as the Brebemi), aqueducts (including Acque Bresciane), investments in the energy sector (for for example, A2A), railway lines (remember, in this regard, the Milan-Genoa high-speed train and the Brescia-Verona high-speed one), airports (through a loan from SEA) and hospitals (for example, the San Gerardo di Monza) “.

In addition to the “typical” activity of supporting businesses and administrations, “we also heard the results of the activity in support of urban regeneration and social cohesion, through the interventions of social and student housing and the enhancement of public assets (an example of all, the construction of the New Academy of the Guardia di Finanza in Bergamo), operated through our real estate company “.

Again, in a territory such as Lombardy, where in 2021 there was more than half of the national total of investments in startups (looking at the number of deals – 175 out of 334 – and the value of investments – 832 million euros out of 1, 24 billion in total), “we were also particularly present with our interventions in the venture capital sector” – said Scannapieco – adding: “I am thinking, in particular, of the challenges of sustainability, resilience, urban regeneration to improve cohesion social and innovation and digitalisation of administration and services to citizens “.

“The action of Cassa Depositi e Prestiti, I like to recall, follows a director who listens to the needs of the territory and starts from the needs of the citizens, of which the administrators are the first antennas”, concluded the CEO of CDP.
