Scandalous event! Credit Suisse turns out to be helping the rich in the US evade taxes

Scandalous event Credit Suisse turns out to be helping the

In the statement made by the US Senate Finance Committee, it was stated that as a result of a 2-year investigation, it was revealed that Credit Suisse violated the agreement it made with the US Department of Justice in 2014.

In the statement, it was noted that Credit Suisse was complicit in the tax evasion of the US rich.

The committee said that “23 such accounts have been identified and that further investigations are ongoing,” the committee said in a statement, which requested information from Credit Suisse about “undeclared accounts belonging to ultra-wealthy U.S. citizens holding more than $20 million in the bank.”

In the statement, it was stated that Credit Suisse had hidden a total of $ 700 million in violation of the agreement in 2014.

Pointing out that the bank’s violations “included the non-disclosure of approximately $100 million of secret overseas accounts belonging to a single taxpaying US family,” the statement said the bank closed large undeclared accounts belonging to the US-Latin American family while some members resided in the US, and the US Justice Department It was noted that he transferred about 100 million dollars to another bank without informing the Ministry of Health.

In the statement, it was also reported that the bank helped US businessman Dan Horsky hide 220 million dollars in his overseas accounts from the US authorities.

Former senior bankers at Credit Suisse were involved in the management of large, undeclared offshore accounts, the committee’s statement said.

Credit Suisse settled with the U.S. Department of Justice and paid a $1.3 billion fine in 2014 over accusations that it “helped U.S. taxpayers file false income tax returns and other documents with the IRS.” (AA)
