Scandal film about minors still shocks almost 30 years later

Scandal film about minors still shocks almost 30 years later

Before provocative teen shows like HBO’s Euphoria, there was the movie Kids in the ’90s. Director Larry Clark created a polarizing work with his portrait of brutalized, carefree youth in what was then New York. Certainly also because of the controversial content, the film developed into a commercial hit.

If you don’t know the kids yet, you can now stream the strip with a Netflix subscription. The taboo breaking Film is likely to heat up many minds even today.

Kids shows teenagers escapades about sex, drugs and alcohol

Clark’s film isn’t really about a classic plot. Rather, the director sequences the everyday life of a group of teenagers in New York in the early 90s in episodic fashion. The loose snapshots get through the ruthless, sometimes almost voyeuristic staging a documentary character.

Together with the then unknown amateurs in the cast, some of whom only subsequently pursued larger acting careers (e.g. Chloë Sevigny), Kids sometimes seems more realistic than one would like.

Sex, parties, drugs and more sex are the focal point in the lives of Clark’s protagonists, with Sevigny’s Jenny’s positive HIV diagnosis being the common thread. She wants to prevent her sex partner Telly (Leo Fitzpatrick) from infecting other girls, but he’s already hanging around at the next party.

Kids is just as haunting and chilling today as it was then

Bursting with raw power, Clark’s work is a haunting statement that collides the increasingly doomed youth with harsh reality. In it, AIDS hits society as an unstoppable wave, with disorientation and careless action Isolation, grief and even more suffering to lead. That’s why, even after almost 30 years, Kids is as relevant and compelling today as ever.

Podcast: Is Netflix worth it or a waste of money?

Popular series are being discontinued, password sharing is being prevented and prices are increasing: In this podcast episode, we therefore ask ourselves a question: Is the Netflix subscription still worth it?

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