Say goodbye to calluses as soon as possible! One-material direct solution

Say goodbye to calluses as soon as possible One material direct

Calluses, which are among the most common disorders in society, can occur at any age. Although it is seen as a disease among the people, callus is not a disease. Calluses, which usually occur when you hit the problem area anywhere or when you squeeze your shoes, can cause unbearable pain. Failure to treat calluses early leads to increased pain. Dr. İbrahim Saraçoğlu recommends the use of tomatoes for the treatment of calluses. Here is the use of tomatoes in the treatment of calluses…



  • a big tomato
  • Bandage


To get rid of calluses using only one ingredient, start by peeling the tomato skins.
Cover the peeled tomato skins to the callus area and wrap your hands or feet with a bandage to prevent them from falling.
If you apply the same process every night; You can get rid of callus in a short time.
