Saxophone on all floors with the words of the Freshwater Tiger and Oan Kim’s Live #Session

Our 1er guest is called Laurent Bardainnehis band Le Tigre d’Eau Douce.

After Love Is Everywhere, Laurent Bardainne take away his Freshwater Tiger in an exploration dedicated to the star of the day. Arnaud Roulin (Bardainne’s accomplice in Thomas de Pourquery Supersonic and fire Poni Hoax) to the Hammond organ, Sylvain-Daniel (Camélia Jordana and the ONJ) on bass, Philippe Gléizes on the battery, Roger Raspail on percussion: it is with the same quartet of devotees that he wrote these new feline adventures. Bardainne’s dull saxophone lets the great names of spiritual jazz echo in its keys, the musical compass open from hip hop to African rhythms, from Pharoah Sanders up to Kruhangbin and Sault, Hymne Au Soleil (a tribute to the composition of the same name by Lili Boulanger) guides the Tiger on a dreamlike and cinematic journey. Towards a futuristic retro soul where synthesizers and female choirs also invite themselves to shine in the sun’s rays.

At the controls of his biplane, the cabin personalized with a painting reproducing the stroke of a four-clawed paw, Laurent Bardainne had finally found it. Him whom he had lost track of during a chimerical escapade through plains and forests.

Orange dress striped with black. Lively, fast, bouncy. In the golden immaculate of the sun-drenched desert, her graceful silhouette stood out distinctly. The Freshwater Tiger.

With a captivating tenor saxophone melody, one to which he knew he was receptive, Bardainne signaled his presence from the air. Even preceded by its reputation, the super predator is always on the lookout. The arrival of his master, he had anticipated it for a few measures already, since he had perceived, carried by the winds, the African rhythms which shook the mechanics of the flying machine.

Sure of his act and of the route to take in this ocher infinity, his eyes shining with mischief at having spotted the shadow that was going to accompany his effort, the Tiger began his race. And the whole physiognomy of what until then looked like a desert then changed.

Laurent Bardainne.

Cleared by organic grooves and the breath of the Hammond organ, the way opened up for the Tiger as he progressed. His paws sank into the depths of jazz to emerge covered in soul, the foam swirled from his chops, leaving hip-hop crystallizations in his sandy train.

In this emulation with a sophisticated seventies aesthetic, where its protruding fangs only reflected the light of the saxophone, the keys of the synthesizers even ended up giving them a glimpse of the future.

Arrived at their destination, the engine of the biplane shaking with hiccups and begging for cooling, Bardainne and his panting feline landed. Together, they contemplated the prosperous and dreamlike oasis, inhabited by this music that had accompanied their journey.

Fearsome for those who stray, the rays of the solar star had become those miraculous allies capable of giving birth and reviving life.

And it was perhaps not the Freshwater Tiger that had drawn him there, but Laurent Bardainne who had pushed him here…

Laurent Bardainne.

Titles played

Oh yeah

Life Life Life see the clip

Hymn to the Sun watch the clip Jazz in Vienna 2021

Jou An Nou Rive (feat. Celia Wa)

Bird (Feat Bertrand Belin) listen to audio clip.

Then we receive Oan Kim in #SessionLive.

Oan Kim & The Dirty Jazz at RFI.

OAN KIM is a saxophonist, singer, composer, as well as producer and Franco-Korean photographer. He released the album Oan Kim & the Dirty Jazz (self-prod)

At 5, his mother put him on the violin (it was that or the cello), which he practiced for 15 years.

As a teenager, he developed a passion for jazz and took up the alto saxophone, then tenor. Convinced that he must also be a decent pianist to become a composer, he studied jazz piano at the Bill Evans Piano Academy.

He is passionate about contemporary music, attends conferences by Pierre Boulez at the Collège de France, studied the scores of Berio, Nono, Ferneyhough, Xenakis, Cage, frequented IRCAM like other clubs.

At the same time, he pursued studies in musical writing at the CSNM in Paris, studying harmony and orchestration with Jean-Francois Zygelcounterpoint, fugue, musical analysis with Michael Levinas and Indian music with Patrick Moutal.

Since then, he has been composing music for the audiovisual (documentary and TV) and for contemporary art, collaborating in particular regularly with the artist Jungwan Bae and the photographers of the MYOP agency.

Enthused by the indie scene, he decided to participate and created the rock band Dark movie (an album released by Son du Maquis), then the electro-rock duo Chinese Army (three EPs released in particular on the Balades Sonores label) which he formed with the guitarist Benoit Perraudeau. With these two formations, he made more than 80 concerts in France and abroad.

Oan Kim.

Since 2019, he has reconnected with the jazz saxophone and started a new project that the pandemic has pushed him to develop solo, between jazz and modern music, somewhere between Pharoah Sanders and Radiohead.

In addition to his musical activities, he is also a photographer and documentary filmmaker who has received several awards (Swiss Life à 4 mains Prize, Silver Horn of the Krakow Film Festival, Prix des Nuits Photographiques, Tomorrow’s Artist Prize Sungkok Museum), co-member founder of the MYOP agency of independent photographers.

Performed titles

MamboLive RFI see the clip

Agonyfrom the album Oan Kim & the Dirty Jazz see the clip

Wong Kar WhyLive RFI see the clip.

Oan Kim and Benoît Perraudeau at RFI.


– Oan Kim, saxophone and voice

– Benoit Perraudeauguitar

– Paul Herry-Pasmanianbass

– Brice Tilletbattery.

His : Benoît Letirant, Fabien Mugneret, Mathias Taylor.

bonus clip teenage riota cover of sonic youth.
