Savo Volley has risen to the championship with the help of veterans – Siltala criticizes the game format, Jauhiainen refuses to play for the national team in the summer

Savo Volley has risen to the championship with the help

On Sunday, Savo Volley dumped VaLePan 3–1 in Kuopio. The next final will be at Savo Volley’s home ground again on Monday. The format does not please Antti Siltala, who is finishing his career in these finals.

Roope Visuri,

STT Sports

Savo Volley equalized in the men’s volleyball finals on Sunday in Kuopio. Savo Volley won VaLePa 3-1.

The first two rounds were a celebration of the home team in front of 1,752 spectators in Kuopio Hall.

Savo Volley lost the first two finals, but since then it has risen to the championship lineup with the returning veterans. Antti Siltalan and Olli-Pekka Ojansivun through.

Siltala scored 17 points with a balance of +9. The ditch page readings were 12 and +8. The best of the younger generation was Miki Jauhiainenwhich scored 12 points and the power balance was the same +12, so there were no mistakes.

Jauhiainen will play in the league during his opening season. He played in the previous four at Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah, which is familiar to many Finns. A wife came to Finland, and her firstborn was born in the winter.

– Pretty soon after the finals we will be back in America. Family is most important now. That’s why I had to refuse from the national team next summer, but I’m ready later, if I’m still good, Jauhiainen, who played in the European Championships last autumn, told STT.

The result ensured that in addition to Monday’s second match in Kuopio, at least next Thursday will be played in Sastamala. A possible seventh match of the championship would be played on Saturday in Kuopio.

Konkari Siltala praised the first two rounds of Sunday’s match very well. However, Konkari does not like the match format, which now includes matches on consecutive days and in addition, the finals are played consecutively by the same team.

The second and third finals were at VaLePA’s home field. Now the fourth and fifth finals are hosted by Savo Volley.

– I’m not a fan. I still think all the playoffs should be played alternately at home and away. The events would be very good if they were built individually. The playoffs could be continued. Maybe the sport would stay on the surface a little longer and so on, Siltala said in an interview with Sport.

Jiri Hänninen made 19 points for the guests on Sunday, as many as 12 of them came in the third round won by VaLePa. Sakari Mäkinen made 12, but the third most effective Matias Tihumäki scored only six points.

– We weren’t mentally or physically ready today. After the break, posture was found under Hänninen’s leadership, but not enough, said VaLePa’s coach Janne Kangaskokko.
