“Save your skin”, the operation that is good for your skin

Save your skin the operation that is good for your

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    Until June 17, the prevention and awareness-raising operation for targeted skin cancer screening “Save your skin”, led by the National Syndicate of Dermatologists-Venereologists (SNDV) reminds us of the right actions to protect our skin, this been again.

    Outings, beach, gardening… As summer approaches, we like to live more outside. But enjoying the sun doesn’t have to come at the expense of your skin. The National Syndicate of Dermatologists-Venereologists (SNDV) is therefore launching the 26th edition of its Save your skin campaign, which comes back for us on the essential gestures, to keep under summer temperatures.

    Four principles to remember

    In its campaign, the SNDV particularly insists on 4 main principles that we must keep in mind to take advantage of the sun’s rays, while protecting ourselves from their risks:

    • Avoid exposure between 12 p.m. and 4 p.m., because at these times the ultraviolet rays are the most intense. ;
    • Apply suitable sunscreen every two hours to areas not protected by clothing;
    • Favor dark clothes over light clothes and wear sunglasses and a hat;
    • Never expose a child under 3 years old and especially protect children and adolescents.

    A redundant message, but French people in denial

    “Despite prevention messages, bad habits die hard!” claims the campaign. Because indeed, if we all know today that the sun’s rays can be bad for our health, we are still too many not to apply the principles of protection to the letter.

    Thus a Pierre Fabre study unveiled a few days ago also questioned our behavior in the face of the sun and the reason for insufficiently followed instructions.

    The majority argument put forward by those who do not use sunscreen as recommended seems to be simply “because they don’t think about it” for 55% of French people questioned. Other answers reflect a subject taken a little lightly, especially during the holidays

    • 22% protect themselves in order to spend more time in the sun, in contradiction with the intended message;
    • 21.9% of the population do not renew the application of sunscreen products because they find it too tedious;
    • Finally, nearly 17% think that these products are not useful, judging their skin dull enough to withstand the rays.

    The campaign nevertheless reminds us: the incidence of skin cancer has tripled since 1980. 100,000 new cases are thus diagnosed each year in France.
