“Save public health”: the appeal of Nobel, scientists and economists

Save public health the appeal of Nobel scientists and economists

(Finance) – Men of science and culture mobilize to defend public health cwith an appeal which asks, among other things, to allocate more resources, for example adapting the financing of the NHS to the standards of advanced European countries”, equal to “8% of GDP.
A long list that goes from Nobel Prize for Physics Giorgio Parisi to the pharmacologist Silvio Garattini, passing through the president of the Superior Council of Health Franco Locatelli, just some of the important signatures who signed the appeal in defense of the National Health Service, to ask for a extraordinary financing plan and greater valorisation of staff to stem the crisis facing the system.

“From 1978, the date of its foundation, to 2019, the NHS in Italy contributed to producing the most marked increase in life expectancy (from 73.8 to 83.6 years) among high-income countries.

But today – we read in the document – the data demonstrate that the system is in crisis: decline in some health indicators, growing difficulty in accessing diagnosis and treatment paths, increase in regional and social inequalities”. the strong underfunding of public health, to which “6.2% of GDP will be allocated in 2025, less than twenty years ago”, underline the signatories, who also include experts in economics and health policy such as Francesco Longo of Bocconi University and the former director general of the Ministry of Health Nerina Dirindin.

(Photo: © Vittaya Sinlapasart/ 123RF)
