Sauli Niinistö and Teemu Selänne became emotional after winning the match with a hug – “You rarely get to play with the president” | Sports in a nutshell

Sauli Niinisto and Teemu Selanne became emotional after winning the

President Sauli Niinistö and former ice hockey player Teemu Selänne played in the opening match of the Helsinki Midnight Sun tennis tournament, which gathered a lot of spectators.

There was no hard-class tennis match at the Kalastajatorpa tennis club in Helsinki on Wednesday night. Instead, we saw the joy of sports and two legends whose enthusiasm flickered all the way to the audience.

The blazing sun showed no mercy, but the encouragement of the large crowd helped the former ice hockey player Teemu Selänten and the president Sauli Niinistön finally to win the opening match of the Helsinki Midnight Sun tennis tournament.

The chairman of the club organizing the tournament played against the duo Riku Helminen and CEO of the competition’s main partner, Freja Transport & Logistics Matti Urmas.

Niinistö acts as the patron of the tournament. The games of the tournament have already been played since Monday, but the official opening day was on Wednesday.

The heat didn’t bother me

– This is such a fun match, you rarely get to play it with the president, Selänne told STT before the match.

However, it was not a one-off opportunity, as the former ice hockey player has previously been able to play golf with, among others, the president Martti Ahtisaaren and the former President of the United States, the Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s with.

The duo seemed to be in a happy mood even after the match, and after the victory, they warmed up to a hug.

– It feels really good, Niinistö commented to the press about his performance after the match.

The heat did not hinder Niinistö’s playing.

– The sun disturbed my vision quite a lot, that’s the only one. Otherwise, it’s nice that the sweat suddenly rises to the surface, he said.

Niinistö’s good humor was also conveyed in his opening remarks in English. The president amused the audience by revealing his own game tactics.

– I have full credit in my player friend, Niinistö said about Seläntee.

Selänne also seemed to be satisfied with the opening match.

– It was absolutely wonderful that so many people came here. Yes, we enjoy it, Selänne beamed after the game.

The Helsinki Midnight Sun Open is an international tournament, where around 300 players from around the world are expected to arrive. It is a celebratory tournament, as it is now being played for the tenth time.

The Helsinki tournament is a competition of the ITF World Tennis Masters Tour in the 30-80 age group. Players from every continent have registered for the tournament.

The tournament lasts until Sunday, July 28.
