Saudi Arabia took a USB-C decision after the EU

Saudi Arabia took a USB C decision after the EU

European Union after a USB-C your decision Saudi Arabia It turned out to be taken by This decision is pretty good for consumers.

For those who missed European Union for phones and many other electronic products to be sold in Europe to reduce electronic waste common charging port requirement He wanted to bring it in and he had made the final decision on this issue recently. In this context, many new generation electronic products, including iPhones, will be sold in Europe. 2024 as of The USB-C port will be standard. As it turns out, a step in this regard Saudi Arabia also threw and the country from 2025 Almost all electronic devices to be sold in the country USB-C Required to use charging port made. Speaking about this development, which is very good for consumers in the country, a government spokesperson said that it aims to improve the user experience, reduce costs and e-waste, and also enable high-quality data transfers.


Meanwhile, the European Union doesn’t want to stay with only charging ports, brings the battery / battery side into focus. A study currently in the draft phase could completely change the use and management of batteries in electronic products to be sold in Europe. This study has many focal points, but the most notable “replaceable“The building is happening. The Union will be sold as Europe-based smart phone And laptop by the users of the batteries of products such asany special vehiclewithout “(Or if special tool is required, it will be provided free of charge.) aims to be easily removed and replaced. Under the new rules, all companies selling batteries on the EU market will have to implement a policy that addresses the social and environmental risks associated with the procurement, processing and trade of the raw materials used in the manufacture of batteries. The regulation also includes a certain percentage of companies (%16 cobalt, 85% lead, 6% lithium and 6% nickel) will also require the use of recycled materials. In this way, new batteries will be more environmentally friendly than before.
