Saudi Arabia could be next host country for peace meeting – Stubb: “Good thing, we’re ready to fly to Jeddah” | Homeland

Saudi Arabia could be next host country for peace meeting

Ukraine has expected to receive support at the global peace meeting. China did not send its representative, Russia was not invited.

16:00•Updated 16:48

The president of the Republic Alexander Stubb has participated in the weekend peace conference in Bürgenstock, Switzerland.

What has been the outcome of the summit, which has aroused conflicting feelings? Stubb’s press conference is underway.

Due to technical problems, cannot show the live broadcast.

Stubb points out that about half of the world’s countries were present at the meeting, and about a third of them at the head level. He says that he considered the speeches from the global south to be the most important.

– Although not every country signed the final declaration, all speeches emphasized the words “just” and “sustainable peace” and the kind of peace that is based on international law and the UN Charter, Stubb said.

The final declaration of the meeting was signed by 80 countries. A dozen countries did not sign – among them India, Saudi Arabia, South Africa and Mexico.

Ukraine’s position strengthened

According to Stubb, Ukraine is now in a stronger position on the path to peace, not only from a military point of view, but also because the G7 countries have given Ukraine strong support and it is about to start EU membership negotiations.

The Swiss summit further strengthened Ukraine’s position. The first steps towards peace have been taken, he said.

– I dare to say that as a result of this meeting, Ukraine actually starts the path towards peace from a very strong position. Significantly stronger than it was three months ago, Stubb said.

Stubb highlights two key results from the meeting.

– First of all, it is important that the global south, especially countries from Latin America, Africa, Asia and the Middle East, understand why we are concerned about Russia’s aggressive actions on our borders, Stubb said.

– Another result is that now, for the first time, diplomacy can be combined with warfare.

Russia was not invited to the meeting.

– It is without a doubt clear that at some point Russia must be brought to the negotiation table, but at what point, Ukraine will decide, Stubb said.

The first steps towards peace have now been taken and the work continues, Stubb stated.

– President Zelenskyi personally asked if Finland could continue and help in moving this process forward, and we said yes without further ado, Stubb said.

The next host country from Saudi Arabia?

Next, Stubb answered questions from the media.

In Switzerland, it has been discussed that Saudi Arabia could possibly be the next host country for the peace conference. However, the country did not sign the final statement of the meeting that has now ended.

Stubb confirms that a discussion has taken place. He has also talked with the foreign minister of Saudi Arabia.

– Against that background, I understand that the Saudis did not write the declaration at this stage. They want to take on the role of a neutral arbiter, so to speak.

According to Stubb, institutions like the UN are no longer peace brokers, but so-called “intermediary states” do that.

– The Saudis are a good example of this. If the Saudis want to take responsibility for this, then that’s a good thing. We are certainly ready to fly to Jeddah for the next peace meeting, if one is held.

The news is updated.
