Satisfied Putin hopes for a new world order

Satisfied Putin hopes for a new world order



full screen Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese leader Xi Jinping celebrate 75 years of diplomatic contacts between the two countries through mutual honors. and hope for a new world order. Photo: Alexander Ryumin/Kremlin Pool Via AP/TT

Great power ties were tied ever tighter when Russian President Vladimir Putin was welcomed with open arms by China’s leader Xi Jinping.

The two hope for a new “multipolar” world order.

After two days, an obviously satisfied Putin traveled home to Moscow: The goal for the two leaders was to portray US dominance as harmful.

The Russian president concluded his trip by visiting a Russian-Chinese fair in Harbin in the province of Heilongjiang in northeastern China. The city’s technical college, which is believed to have close ties with the People’s Liberation Army, was a key stop on Putin’s agenda.

Multipolar world

The Russian leader said there that “a new multipolar world is now being created before our eyes”, with the US primarily as a direct beneficiary.

– It is important that those who try to maintain a monopoly on decision-making in the world do everything in their power to ensure that this process happens naturally, Putin said according to the AP.

He then thanked leader Xi for allowing the two to spend almost a full day together in Beijing on Thursday where plans for a new world order could be laid out.

The play was an echo of announcements from Xi and Beijing about a new world order – and the two superpower leaders had almost a whole day to plan together for future moves.

Contemporary civilization

The meeting between the two in Beijing’s Zhongnanhai palace area was shrouded in secrecy, but both sides wanted the meeting to appear relaxed, friendly, and “with ties off,” according to the AP news agency.

Before leaving China for Moscow, the Russian leader wanted to emphasize that the two great powers’ relationship is to be reckoned with in global politics.

– China and Russia are important parts of our contemporary civilization. And we have our views on how it should develop, Putin said.

FAKTAXi and Putin

Chinese leader Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin have previously agreed that the two should meet once a year.

In March 2023, Xi visited the Russian capital Moscow for a two-day visit – as long as Putin’s visit to China in May 2024.

Xi Jinping was born in June 1953. He was elected to the Politburo Standing Committee in 2007 and became General Secretary of the Communist Party in 2012.

Vladimir Putin was born in October 1952. He has been Prime Minister and President of Russia in turns since 1999.

Source: NE, AP.

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