Sasu Salin dazzles in Champions League final – Finnish star wings to Tenerife trophy

Sasu Salin dazzles in Champions League final Finnish star

Sasu Salin was the best player on the field when the Tenerife he represented conquered the Basketball Champions League late Sunday in Bilbao.

8.5. 23:10 • Updated 8.5. 23:35

Sasu Salin played the top match when Tenerife, represented by him, defeated the second Spanish club Manresa 98-87 (49-50) in the final of the Basketball Champions League. Pre-favorite Tenerife settled the match in the third period, which it took 33-17.

The hall was a key player for the winners from the start. The Susijeng star player bagged Tenerife’s most handsome score – 18 points – with good accuracy. Game throws sank 7/11 and threes 4/8. Salin, who worked hard for almost 31 minutes, was by far the best player in the plus / minus statistics at +20.

In addition to Salin, Tenerife’s solution players included the finalist selected as MVP player in the Final Four Marcelinho Huertaswho scored 13 points and 14 assists.

Lost in the ranks of Manresa Elias Valtonen clocked almost 20 minutes of playing time and your balance powers 2/2 with three throws.

– Feels really good! Quite an awesome feel and had a great game. We pulled the whole 40 minutes brilliantly. I’m also really proud of Elias. His time is still coming, Salin glowed after the match.

Among Finnish basketball players, the victory of the euro competition has been celebrated in the past Hanno Möttölä 2006 (ULEB Cup) and Petteri Koponen 2009 (EuroChallenge) and 2015 (EuroCup). Henrik Dettmann in turn coached Mitteldeutscher to win the EuroChallenge in 2004.
