Literacy Lambton has received a financial boost from several teams taking part in this year’s Race to Erase.

Literacy Lambton has received a financial boost from several teams taking part in this year’s Race to Erase.
The Sarnia-based agency said four teams taking part in this year’s Race to Erase – Read It and Weep, The 789s, Team Sloth and The Magic Erasers – collectively raised $3,806 for Literacy Lambton.
In total, teams taking part in this year’s race raised $27,954 for eight local charities.
“This donation is so valuable,” Tracey Pound, Literacy Lambton’s executive director, said in a news release. “It will fund one of our six Train Your Brain program sites this fall.”
The free eight-week evening program helps kids in grades 3 and 4 improve their math and reading skills while having fun and gaining confidence, the agency said.
Train Your Brain will begin the first week of October and run through November. Families interested in having their children take part are being asked to check the agency’s website, literacylambton.orgfor information beginning the third week in September.
“It is only through the generosity of private donors, corporate funders, service club grants and our agency’s own fundraising efforts that we can advance our mission to create and deliver exceptional literacy learning opportunities for the residents of Lambton County,” Pound said.
The Race to Erase returned in May following a two-year pause because of pandemic restrictions.
The 29 teams involved this year traveled around the community to complete timed fun events and the winner was Read It and Weep – one of the teams fundraising for Literacy Lambton.