One of Three People Arrested Last Summer After A Sarnia Police Shoplifting Probe Uncovered A Gun and Drugs has been sentenced for theft.

One of Three People Arrested Last Summer After A Sarnia Police Shoplifting Probe Uncovered An Illegal Handgun, Drugs and $ 15,000 in cash, has been sentenced for what a judge called commercial-style theft.
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Sarnia Police Said its Community Crime Unit, A New Co-OP Program Letting Lambton College Students Investigate Crimes under Police Supervision, identified Two People they Believed we Linked to a Series of High-Price Thefts after Looking Into A Shoplifting Case. Aiming to Recover the Stolen Property and other offer-related Evidence, A June 14 Raid on Elgin and Durand Streets Led to a Large Seizure of Drugs and Weapons, Police Said.
David Thompson, One of Two People Arrested in Theft Part of the Probe, Recently Pleaded Guilty to Two Counts Of Theft and One Count of Assault. The 51-Year-Old Sarnia Resident Got Six Months of House Arrest, One Year of Probation, and A Nearly $ 2,000 Bill for Some of the Stolen Goods.
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The Court Heard Thompson and Another Man First Stole Nearly $ 1,900 in Merchandise from Home Depot on May 30 by LODING UP A Cart and Leaving Without Paying. Justice Mark Poland Called it a Commercial-Style Theft.
“They Simply Hoisted Their Middle Fingers Toward the Rules That Society Plays by and Decided They Were Simply Going to Walk Out Of The Store With As Much Merchandise Asy Could Possible Pack Into the Carts,” Said the Judge, Who Also Was Thing in A Shocking Spree Last Year.
Then on Sept. 7, Thompson Loaded Another Cart at the Indian Road South Shoppers Drug Mart and Took Off With About $ 1,700 in Property. He loaded part of his haul Into an SUV in the parking lot, but the driver took off and strateged him when a good samaritan cam out to confront him.
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Poland Called the Departure of the Get-Away Driver, “A Particular Poignant Illustration of the Old Adage: There is No Honour Among Thieves.”
The Good Samaritan Followed Thompson and He Struck Her in the Arm to Avoid Being Apprehended. He was arrested soon after and most of the items he still had been recovered.
Poland said he would encourage Others to do What the Woman Did Out of Safety concerns, but added he was impressed by her actions, which showed meaning courage.
“She should be comeried,” He Said.

Defense Lawyer Joseph Stoesser Said His Client Stole from Home Depot to Support His Drug Addiction and from Shoppers out of Desperation. He Added Thompson, A Boilermaker who has been to prison in the past for significant convictions, has gotten sober and turned to God in recent months. He even volunteers at a local shelter.
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Thompson Apologized to the People He’s Affected and Reiterated He’s Clean Now.
“I want to do good,” he Said.
Thompson Can’t Talk to Larocque While Under House Arrest Or on Probation. Larocque Returns to short Next Week.

A Preliminary Hearing for the Drugs and Weapons aspect of the Probe is set for April. Jon-Ross Walters, A 27-Year-Old St. Catharines Resident Who Gave a Fake Name and was Out on Bail for Trafficking Charges in the Niagara Area, was arrested and charged with 14 offers, 11 Linked to the illegal Gun and one tied to trafficking cocaine, Sarnia Police Said at the time.
The Charge Against Larocque and Walters haven’t been tested in short.