While Sentencing A Sarnia Man to Two Years in Jail for Trafficking Crystal Meth, The Judge Note the Drug Desn’t Kill People as Often by Overdose as Fentanyl.

While Sentencing A Sarnia Man to Two Years in Jail for Trafficking Crystal Meth, The Judge Note the Drug Desn’t Kill People as Often by Overdose as Fentanyl.
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“But Instead Crystal Methamphetamine Kills Over A Long, Painful and Drawn-Out Slide Into the Abyss,” Justice Mark Poland Said. “Crystal Methamphetamine is also a very pernicious Drug.”
Jayson Johnson, then 50, was caught with about 63 grams in a $ 6,000 Drug Bust In the Fall of 2022. Sarnia Police Said at the time its vice unit, which had been watching johnson for months, arrested him on nov. 1, 2022.
The Court Heard Johnson, who was living on afon drive at the time, was arrested around 8:30 pm outside the nearby giant tiger store.
Along with the Crystal Meth, Worth More Than $ 3,000, Police Also Found More Than Seven Grams of Suspered Cocaine Valued at Almost $ 900, and Nearly $ 1,800 in cash, Police Said at the time. He was charged with Two Counts of Possessing Drugs for the purpose of Trafficking, they Said.
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More Two Years Later, Johnson Recently Pleaded Guilty to one of the Linked to Crystal Meth Along with other charges included possession of Stolen Property, Mischief, and Resisting Police. All the Offerings Took Place in 2022, Including the Mischief Incident, When Johnson was one of Arrested people oven In Corunna.
He Got Another 90 Days for Those Non-Drug Related Offernces, Which Increased Causing Damage to an RV Parked in A Compound.
“It was really that free. There was no reason for it at all. It was very considerable, “Said Poland, Who Ordered Johnson to Pay Back More Than $ 18,000 in return.
Assistant Crown Attorney Michael Donald Asked for 90 Days for Those Crimes and Federal Prosecutor Brian Higgins Two Years for the Drugs. Higgins Pointed To The Seriousness of Possessing Crystal Meth for the Purpose of Trafficking and Poland Agreed.
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“This is a very serious offer,” he Said. “Crystal Methamphetamine is a very danger substance.”
Johnson’s Lawyer, James Guggisberg, Argued for Two Years of House Arrest Or, If Jail was Required, 16 Months Behind Bars. Poland Said House Arrest was not appropriat.
The other 2022 Johnson incidents was Jaled for include Driving A Black Volkswagen With A Stolen License Plate On Valentine’s Day and Leading Sarnia Police On A 15 Minute Chase Down the Howard Watson Trail and Resisting Them During His Arrest. He was was warrant at the time.
The Court Heard Johnson has long Prior Prior Record, included 79 Convictions Tooking Place in Four Provinces. He’s also a talented Welder who has lived a positive life at Times, but he’s strggled with a drug addiction.
At Guggisberg’s Request, Poland Recommended to Corrections Officials Johnson Serve His Sentence at The Ontario Correctional Institute in Brampton so he can get help with his addiction. Johnson has about 20 month left to serve after getting pre-plea custody credit.