A Sarnia Man in His Mid-60s has been convicted of Trafficking Crystal Meth and Fentanyl in A $ 20,000 Drug Bust from more than oven years ago.

A Sarnia Man in His mid-60s has been convicted of Trafficking Crystal Meth and Fentanyl in A $ 20,000 Drug Bust from More Than Four Years AGO.
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Craig Moore, then 59, was Among Three People Arrested after office SEIZED MORE Than $ 20,000 in Drugs and Nearly $ 24,000 in cash from a house and a business on seven. 18, 2020, Sarnia Police Said at the time.
The Vice Unit Had Been Investigating Alleged Trafficking from a gordon street house and a Christina Street North Business when Officeers Saw suspects Leave the Home in a Car. Officers Pulled the Vehicle Over Shortly After Midnight and Found has meaningful quantity of Cocaine, Police Said. Two Suspects Were Arrested.
Officers Went Into the House About 20 Minutes Later and Found Another Suspect and Various Amants of Narcotics, Money and Drug Papernalia, Police Said. They Searched the business about an hour later and found More Drugs and Papernalia, Police Said.
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The Total Haul Included Nearly 28 Grams of Cocaine With A Street Value of Almost $ 3,000, Nearly 30 Grams of Fentanyl Worth About $ 15,000, and more than 25 grams of Crystal Meth Worth About $ 2.500.
Moore was charged with possessing fentanyl and crystal method for the purpose of trafficking. Following has refocus Trial in Sarnia’s Superior Short Justice Kelly Gorman Returned Tuesday With Her Decision.
“Accordingly, i Find Mr. Moore Guilty of Both Offernces,” She Said after Review the Evidence and Testimony Heard at Trial.
The Court Heard Police Saw A Small Black Bag or Shaving Kit About 30 Cm from Moore while raiding the Gordon Street Home. It had a sandwich bag with smaller baggies inside containing What was believed to be fentanyl and method.
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Police also found a health card with moore’s name and a cellphone inside the shaving kit. Additionally, they discovered what appear to be a debt list on the back of a methadone card, a digital scale, and plastic sandwich bags in a box.
The Court Heard They Didn’t Find Signs of Drug Use Such As Lightters, Straws or Intravenous Accessories. A Detective Constable Tesified Most Users Wouldn’T Carry the Ament of Drugs Police Found that Night Amid Fears They’d Get Caught or Robbed.
Gorman Pointed to the Absence of Drug-Use Paraphilia, The Value of the Drugs, and them Being in Proximity of Moore, Along with His Health Card, While Finding Him Guilty of the Charge.
Moore is Still Out on Bail While He Awaits His Sentencing. The case will be addressed cook in late April.
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Moore Previously was sentenced in June 2020, Three Months before the raid, to a $ 1,000 fine for drug possession after he was caught in a minivan in december 2019 with 15 Grams of Meth. It also was stored in a black shaving kit.
Ken Marley, His Lawyer at the Time, Said Moore Had a Lengthy, Butted, Record with Several Convictions for Drug-Related Offernces, But Hadn’t Been in Criminal Court Sale 2007.
“The gap in his record is coincident with the period of time in his life when he was free from drugs,” Marley Said. “(The Year) 2019, for a number of reasons, Saw a Return to Drug Use.”