A Sarnia Man Arrested Wednesday Night After Police Said Drugs Were SEIZED we confederation street was arrested on similar charges last summer.
Sarnia Police Said they raided a Confederation Street Residence Near Vidal Street South Wednesday Around 7:30 Pm and Found Several Drugs in the Home and A Vehicle, Including Nearly 14 Grams of Suspected Uncut Fentanyl and Half A Gram of Street-Readyl, Almost Five Grams Cash, and Drug Trafficking Papernalia. The raid included the Sarnia Police Major Case Action, Emergency Response, and Police Dog Teams, They Said.
Several Photos we posted on social media featuring office in tactical gear in front of a house at 333 Confederation St., Near Brock Street South, with Several People in Custody on the Front Lawn. One of them is wearing a black shirt with blue stripes down the side. A Bright Yellow Pickup Truck can be in the driveway.
Shane Marsh, A 51-Year-Old Man Who Lives on Confederation Street, was charged with possessing fentanyl and crystal method for trafficking, possessing favoy obained by crime, and Two counts of breaching lease, police said. He was held for a hearing lease.
Marsh, who previously was out on $ 1,000 lease in a case Police Said Involved A Yellow Pickup Truck, Appeared in Court Thursday afternoon wearing a Black Shirt with Blue Stripes Down the Sides. He was released again, this time for $ 1,500 lease. He’s Banned from Talking to Seven People and from Having Drug Trafficking Papernalia and is due back in short on April 9.
Marsh’s Other Case from Last Summer has a prelination hearing set for April 11.
Sarnia Police Previously Said Plain-Clothes Officers Saw Two People in a Yellow Pickup Acting Suspiciously in the Elgin and Napier Streets Area Shortly Before Midnight on July 26. The Officers Saw Signs of Drug Trafficking and Arrested Two People. During a Search, The Office Found Nearly 25 Grams of Meth and About 1 ½ Grams of Fentanyl and Cash Worth A Total of About $ 2,000, Police Said.

Marsh was charged at that time with possessing method for the purpose of trafficking. Katelyn Murray, 28, from Sarnia was also charged with that country and an Additional Count of Possessing Fentanyl.
They Both Later Got Bail, but Murray is Wanted Again on a bench warrant, records show.
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