With five weeks remaining in the United Way of Sarnia-Lambton campaign, it has reached just over 60 per cent of its $1.4-million goal.

With five weeks remaining in the United Way of Sarnia-Lambton campaign, it has reached just over 60 per cent of its $1.4-million goal.
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“I am pleased to say that we are at $855,000 so far, which represents 61 per cent of the 2023 objective,” said 2023 campaign chairperson Vicky Ducharme.
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“Several of the employee campaigns that are wrapping up appear to be very successful,” she said, “Reliance Home Comfort reached and exceeded their campaign goal and, with the company match and a contractor, raised nearly $20,000 combined, almost double last year’s amount ,” she said.
Imperial is winding down their campaign and has reached 99 per cent of their goal, and follow-up emails to those employees and retirees who donated in past years but not yet this year have just begun. A few events also remain for Imperial and Annuitants are continuing to continue online and through the mail.
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Ducharme said the Nova Chemical’s campaign also is looking very strong and will wrap up on Nov. 27. Employees and retirees must get their donations finalized by then to be eligible for the Nova Chemicals company match.
Arlaxeo’s deadline for their match will be Nov. 30, 2023.
The Lambton Kent Public School Board has completed two of its four-week campaign, and Dow Chemical is in its third fundraising week.
Ducharme said several employee campaigns, including Lambton College and Worley Employees, have just kicked off this week.
As the overall campaign begins its third month, the funded agencies also are putting the final touches to their funding proposals to the United Way. “Ducharme said that the community investment volunteers will soon be reviewing the agency submissions and identifying the largest community needs and which agencies are in the greatest need of funding.
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“We know there is an increasing need for poverty-related programs and services. We see it in our streets, our parks, and our neighborhoods, how people are struggling with higher costs for food, gasoline, and shelter,” Ducharme said.
In addition to poverty-related programs, like those being offered by the Inn of the Good Shepherd, Salvation Army, River City Vineyard, and the Walpole Island First Nations Warming Shelter, the United Way also invests in a variety of youth programs, seniors’ programs, and programs and services that help those residents with addictions and mental health challenges.
The 2023 campaign will run until the end of the year, which is also the 2023 deadline for an official donation receipt that can be used for tax credit purposes in 2023.
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