Sarnia fundraisers aid humanitarian efforts in Ukraine

Sarnia fundraisers aid humanitarian efforts in Ukraine

A recent fundraiser by Rotary Clubs in Sarnia collected $23,000 for Ukrainian humanitarian aid and relief efforts.

Some 30 volunteers sold 1,300 bales of potting mix Friday and Saturday at DeGroot’s Nurseries in Sarnia in the fundraiser involving the Rotary Club of Sarnia, the Rotary Club of Sarnia After Hours Club and the Rotary Club of Sarnia-Bluewaterland.

“By noon Saturday the volunteers were sent home because all the bags were sold,” said Rotarian John DeGroot. “Sarnia Lambton is truly a supporting community.”

Proceeds from the event have been sent to Rotary Foundation Canada, and will be used primarily to support refugees fleeing Ukraine, he said.

Also recently, Gateway Casinos in Sarnia donated $2,100 to the Canadian Red Cross to support its humanitarian effects in Ukraine.

Casino employees took part in several fundraising activities in March and April, including a Jeans Day, a blue and yellow ribbon campaign and collection of donations.

Representatives from Unifor Local 444 and Teamsters Local 879 added to the total donation with $1,000 and $1,100 respectively from Gateway employees and guests, the casino said.

“The humanitarian crisis in Ukraine is devastating and the employees at Gateway Casino Sarnia wanted to do their small part to help,” said Linda McColl, general manager of Gateway Casinos Sarnia.

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