Photo: Bildbyrån
Sarah Sjöström married Johan de Jong Skierus this summer.
Now she reveals an intimate detail about private life together with her husband.
“It’s pretty nice, I feel pretty harmonious in it,” she says in the podcast “in bed with Emilia”.
As a 14-year-old, she won her first European Championship gold in 100 meters butterfly swimming. Almost 17 years later is Sarah Sjöström31, still one of the world’s best swimmers. She has taken six Olympic medals (three golds), 25 World Cup medals in long track and 11 in short track, as well as lots of European Championships and SM medals. After this summer’s double Olympic silver, she was named Female Athlete of the Year at the Sports Gala.
Sarah Sjöström married this summer
When it comes to private life, Sarah has been with Johan de Jong Skierus35, for twelve years. They already met when the swimmer was 18 years old. Now they live with their cats in a house on Lidingö. This summer they got married in Italian Tuscany.
Read more: Sarah Sjöström’s message about the future after double the Olympic Gold
Recently, Sarah Sjöström visited the podcast “In Bed with Emilia” led by Emilia de Poret. There she had to answer several yummy questions about her relationship with husband Johan. Among other things, they wondered if it was difficult for him that Sarah always hangs in swimming pools with half -naked, well -trained men.
– No, I had to say it early in our relationship. If this is going to go, you must never get jealous because it will be quite a lot of half -naked men around me at my job, she says in the podcast.
Sarah’s intimate words about husband Johan
Then Emilia de Poret asked about the couple’s sex habits.
– Okay, the mandatory question to an athlete. Are you ahead or rather after a competition? she asks.
– Yes, but why not both?, Sjöström replies and continues:
– No. But usually it may be after. Before, you are so focused on doing what you should, plus I am rarely home then.
Read more: Sarah Sjöström was forced to marry her husband twice
A bit into the podcast, Sarah Sjöström reveals what she dreams of in the future. It is about her and her husband’s privacy. She says she would like to be a mother within a few years.
– I have no special dreams right now, I allow myself to just be a little where I am and not be on my way all the time. It’s pretty nice, I feel pretty harmonious in it. But a bit of a dream is to ever get a family, it would have been wonderful, she says.
Received questions about pregnancy
It was not the first time Sjöström has talked about that she is happy to form a family in the future. The fact that she also assumed that she will take it a little quieter this year, compete less and have time to recover has made many also wonder if she and Johan will have children this year. Happened has asked her husband if Sarah’s longer break is because she is pregnant. Then he answers in a text message:
“Nope, just a little holiday after 3 years”.
Sarah has also received a similar issue in Actic. Her answer about what she was looking forward to most during 2025 was slightly cryptic.
“I look forward to seeing what happens in 2025.;)”
Congratulations Sarah Sjöström to the Women’s Sports Woman of the Year award. You had an incredible 2024 – hope this year will be at least as good for you, both with swimming and purely private.