Sarah Jessica Parker never makes up her complexion, here is the secret of her natural radiance

Sarah Jessica Parker never makes up her complexion here is

Sarah Jessica Parker is a fashionista at heart and confirms, each season, her status as a seasoned fashionista by predicting the latest trends. On the beauty side, the fashion icon is more discreet. Here are all her make-up and skincare secrets, revealed to Allure magazine. Amazing secrets!

Sarah Jessica Parker will never cease to amaze us. If she continues to display herself with the most avant-garde fashion pieces, in terms of beauty, she is playing on a completely different ground. As for her makeup routine, the actress 58 years old put on the “less is more”. Not hiding her laziness, she explains to do as little as possible and it’s a winning bet since she has always sported a luminous, flawless complexion. Here are all his secrets.

Sarah Jessica Parker never wears makeup

Interviewed by the magazine pace this Thursday, August 3, the star of “Sex and the City” confided in her beauty habits, somewhat surprising. Sarah Jessica Parker revealed that she accept to grow old and welcomed his signs of age one by one. “We must not try to deconstruct everything […] I know age adds up and there are consequences to being 51, 52, 53.” she said. The one who embodies Carrie Bradshaw since 1998, admires the women who integrate a dozen steps into their beauty routine. She admits that she is not capable of it and prefers to opt for “a moisturizer with SPF, perfect for lazy people like me”. The most amazing? The pretty blonde says: “I never use foundation or makeup primer in my everyday life, […] II never did more than wash my face, use serum and moisturizer.” Obviously, as part of her professional life, Sarah Jessica Parker passes under the brushes of many makeup artists. That’s why she prefers let your skin breathe outside of filming.

For her hair, she uses “anything”

On the hair side, same creed. Sarah Jessica Parker explains that her haircare routine is quite simple: “I honestly use any shampoo. I use anything. Before I travel, I check to see if there’s shampoo in the hotel, so I don’t pack any hair products.” You will understand, the American actress is not a big fan of beauty treatments and it is to her credit. With her voluminous mane and luminous skin, Sarah Jessica Parker radiates beauty on all occasions, using minimal cosmetics. What if we tried?
