Sara thought she had met the love of her life – was subjected to sexual torture

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Summer 2019 hit Sara the man she thought was her great love. They met online and fell in love.

After three months, the relationship changed

In Sunday’s “Efter fem” broadcast on TV4 tells Sara about the relationship with her ex-partner.

What she shares is the reality she lived in until the man was sentenced to 3.5 years in prison in November 2020.

– He cut off a piece of my scalp, induced steroids in me, drugged me with morphine and burned me with a lighter, she says in an interview with Tilde de Paula Eby.

Sara says that it took three months before she noticed a change in the relationship. The man is said to have become more jealous and controlling while constantly wanting to keep an eye on her and her phone.

– Jealousy came quite quickly. Then, for example, I wasn’t allowed to have any male friends anymore.

Threatened to kill the family

The man also allegedly put up notes that consisted of rules she had to follow. For example, she would always respond to addresses directly and clearly, listen and do exactly what the man said and not self-pity.

Leaving the man was also not an easy choice to make as she was constantly threatened if that were to happen.

– I was starting to get very scared. He threatened to kill himself if I left him. Or that if I left he would rape or kill my nephew. Or my family. And I can only say that I could not subject them to that. Then I’d rather take it myself.

In the verdict, it appears that Sara was scalped, had her jaw broken, was forced to perform oral sex and that the man threatened to cut off her clitoris. According to the verdict, she has also been burned in the abdomen and peed on.

In Sunday’s “After five”, Sara tells what she has been through. Photo: Screenshot TV4
