Sara Skyttedal becomes the top candidate for KD in the EU

Sara Skyttedal will be the Christian Democrats’ top candidate for the EU elections next year.
– Sara was part of the team that led the party to a record election last time and I am convinced that she will be able to lead us to a strong election result next year as well, says party leader Ebba Busch.

Sara Skyttedal will be the Christian Democrats’ top candidate for the EU elections. It is clear after a party vote on Friday.

Ella Kardemark is second on the list. She takes over the top two spot from David Lega, who in recent years has been an MEP together with Skyttedal.

At a press conference in the afternoon, party leader Ebba Busch talked about the announcement.

– Sara was part of the team that led the party to a record election last time and I am convinced that she will be able to lead us to a strong election result next year as well, she says.
