Santa Claus parade draws thousands to downtown Brantford

Thousands of people lined Dalhousie Street in Brantford on Saturday evening for the city’s first Santa Claus parade since 2019.

The City of Brantford partnered with Grandbridge Energy to stage the holiday tradition after Brantford JCI – organizers of the parade for more than 40 years – were unable to do so.

The parade got underway at 6 pm at Stanley and Dalhousie Streets, making its way toward the downtown and an after party at Harmony Square.

“It’s really exciting that we’re finally able to have everyone come together and do all the family stuff we used to do,” said Samantha Cullen of Brantford. “The weather is perfect. Just bring your blanket and get comfortable.”

Cullen, her partner Jesse Melnick brought chairs, while children Noah, Arbor, Grayson and Xayleia sat on blankets at the intersection of Charlotte Street.

The family sipped warm beverages and snacks as waited and watched for flashing lights cresting the hill near Alexandra Park.

“It’s almost like the first time for them because they were so much younger before,” Cullen said, alluding to the previous two years when pandemic restrictions meant parades were not allowed. “They don’t remember being at Santa Claus parades.”

A Grandbridge Energy truck bedecked in colourful, blinking lights led the procession followed by Brantford mayor Kevin Davis who walked the entire route, wearing a Santa hat as he greeted citizens.

Volunteers and representatives of the Brantford Food Bank pushed grocery carts and carried bags as they welcomed food and monetary donations.

Making Spirits Bright was a fitting theme for this year’s parade, evident in the lengthy procession of illuminated floats and the smiling faces of both parade participants and spectators.

Santa brought up the rear of the parade, delighting young children who had waited to catch a glimpse of the jolly old elf high atop his sleigh pulled by reindeer.

The parade ended at Harmony Square where an after party was held.

People had the opportunity to have photos taken with Santa, enjoy some holiday treats and witness a tree-lighting ceremony.

“The weather was beautiful, and it felt really nice seeing people out enjoying things that we used to do pre-COVID,” said Megan Morin of Brantford who attended with her partner Ricky Rossignol and their three children. “We had a lot of fun and appreciated the candy cane treats being given out. The kids were really excited.”

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