Sanna Marin has been awarded the German Future Award

Sanna Marin has been awarded the German Future Award

Marin is the second recipient of the future award. In the justifications for the award, Marin receives, among other things, recognition for the treatment of the corona pandemic.

To the Prime Minister of the Ministry of Transport To Sanna Marin (sd.) has been granted in Germany Helmut Schmidt the named future award.

The matter is reported on the website of the Helmut Schmidt foundation. The prize has been awarded since 2022 and is intended to recognize innovative achievements in the fields of democracy, society and technology. Last year, the award went to a Ugandan environmental activist Vanessa Nakate.

Giving the award to Marin is justified, among other things, by the fact that Marin has been a pioneering European politician with clear values ​​and his own political style. In addition, according to the award committee, he managed the corona pandemic effectively.

The award is shared by the Helmut Schmidt Foundation, the weekly magazine Die Zeit and the institute called The New Institute. The value of the prize is 20,000 euros. The prize will be awarded on Thursday in Hamburg.

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