Sanitizing, this essential oil is best for eliminating dandruff

Sanitizing this essential oil is best for eliminating dandruff

It quickly kills the fungus that causes dandruff scales.

One in two people have dandruff on the scalp. “They are caused by microscopic yeast of the genus Malassezia”explains Sylvie Hampikian, pharmacologist expert in aromatherapy. “Naturally present in the scalp, it can, under certain conditions (stress, fatigue, taking certain medications, pollution, etc.), proliferate more significantly. This phenomenon accelerates the renewal of epidermis cells, going from 4 weeks normally to only 2 weeks. Layers of dead cells accumulate on the scalp, forming dandruff.. There are some two types : the so-called dandruff “dry”, fine, white, they come off easily and fall “in snow” on the shoulders ; and the so-called dandruff “fat”, thick because they are clumped together by sebum, yellowish and they adhere to the scalp. Sometimes these scales are accompanied by itching.

Already known for its effectiveness on acne

To overcome this, aromatherapy is very effective… and particularly palmarosa essential oil. Powerfully purifyingit is already known for its effects against acne. But it is also particularly effective in getting rid of dandruff. His secret? It contains geraniol, a molecule from the monoterpene alcohol family with effects antifungals which quickly eliminate the fungus causing dander. It also contains a sesquiterpene carbide which sanitizes sustainably the scalp, thus preventing the recurrence of dandruff.

3 drops in a little green clay

Prepare a mask. “Mix and 3 drops palmarosa essential oil. Dilute 2 rounded tablespoons of green clay powder withlukewarm water until you get a dough the consistency of toothpaste. Apply this paste to the rootsmassaging the scalp well, then stretch the excess on the hair. Let it sit 20 minutes, then rinse. This mask replaces shampoo, once a week., recommends Sylvie Hampikian. Please note, palmarosa essential oil should not be used in pregnant and lactating womenthe children of less than 12 years as well as among people with epilepsy. A skin test must be carried out 24 to 48 hours before use. Finally, these should not be used on an irritated scalp.

Thanks to Sylvie Hampikian, pharmacologist and aromatherapy expert.
