Sandra Näslund’s smash hit – now approaching the Swedish icon’s record after the dominance: “Can’t get bigger”

Leksand extended the winning streak beat AIK

Sandra Näslund continues to dominate completely in skicross.
On Thursday, she took her 14th (!) straight victory.
A figure which means that she is only one victory away from touching a really powerful record.

26-year-olds Sandra Näslund has already managed to be part of the skicross world for 12 years, but the question is whether she has ever been as dominant as she is right now. Näslund already has two World Cup golds and an Olympic gold in her bag, and in 2014 she was the youngest Swedish participant during the Olympics in Sochi.

Näslund’s smash hit

But a lot has happened since then. There has been a whole bunch of victories in the World Cup, and during Thursday’s World Cup competition in Innichen there was another one. It was her 14th straight victory, and it is impossible to say anything other than that it is complete dominance from Näslund’s side.

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It was her fifth World Cup win in two weeks. But not only that, the victory also means that she is only one victory away from touching a certain one Ingemar Stenmarks record of 15 consecutive victories in the World Cup (giant slalom, 1980).

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“Can’t get any bigger”

A record that Näslund of course wants to reach.
– Of course it’s big. You can’t be bigger than him. So that’s cool. The form seems to hold from last year, it might even be a little better, she tells SVT Sport.

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Thursday’s competition contained a lot of drama when two of the riders collided and fell in the final, but Näslund stood on his feet and drove home the victory.
– A very good final from my side. I got a good start in all heats and had a nice trip down. It was fast riding and I put most of my effort into the terrain and the important turns, she says.

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