SanDisk Extreme Pro 4TB SD card, which broke the capacity record, was introduced

SanDisk Extreme Pro 4TB SD card which broke the capacity

1713053380 650 SanDisk Extreme Pro 4TB SD card which broke the capacity

Capacity record breaking SanDisk Extreme Pro 4TB SD card was introduced. The card, which will arrive in 2025, is also under 8K videos. can get up.

Western Digital Unveiled early by SanDisk Extreme Pro 4TB SD card model It is the largest in its class and really surprises with the amount of data it can fit into a unit area. The card, which is not yet known how much it will sell for, but is thought to be around $600 (the company sells a 1 TB SD card for $140), of course appeals specifically to professionals. It is said that the Ultra High Speed-I (UHS-I) based card can transfer 104MB/s data, the card also It is also stated that it can reach a minimum sequential write speed of 30MB/s, which is reported to be sufficient for 8K video recording. So, will 4 TB be the last limit reached in the field? The answer to this is no, because SD Association announced the “Secure Digital Ultra Capacity (SDUC)” card standard in 2028. It was said that based on this standard, it can be reached up to 128 TB. Of course, SD cards offering such high storage space are not available soon, but the door is still wide open for much more. Meanwhile, Western Digital recently announced a 368TB “portable” He also introduced the SSD solution. “Ultrastar Transporter” The giant product, which you can see below, focuses on the corporate server side. According to official data, it weighs 15 kg and comes with dual 200GbE ethernet ports. A price has not been announced yet for this product, which includes a 12-core Xeon 4310 processor.

1713053380 650 SanDisk Extreme Pro 4TB SD card which broke the capacity
