Sánchez re-elected as Prime Minister of Spain

Sanchez re elected as Prime Minister of Spain
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full screen Social Democratic PSOE’s leader becomes prime minister in Spain. Photo: Manu Fernandez/AP/TT

Social democratic PSOE leader Pedro Sánchez may remain as prime minister in Spain.

It is clear after Thursday’s vote in the Spanish Chamber of Deputies.

The vote took place after an intense debate in the Spanish parliament, where the opposition parties Partido Popular and Vox called the law on amnesty, which the PSOE negotiated with the Catalan separatist party Junts, “political corruption”.

The law, which grants amnesty to those involved in the illegal Catalan independence bid in 2017, has led to large and sometimes violent protests in Spain recently.

Thanks to the agreement, the PSOE was able to secure Junt’s support in the vote.

During the debate, Sánchez pressed instead on the importance of a united Spain – pointing out that the agreement is part of a solution to the years-long conflict between Catalonia and the capital Madrid.
