Samuli Samuelsson set a new 100 meter Finnish record – this is what the run that brought the new SE looked like

Samuli Samuelsson set a new 100 meter Finnish record

Samuelsson improved his own Finnish record by one hundredth.

Ical Athletes Samuli Samuelsson has run a new Finnish record of 100 meters. Samuelsson ran a new SE time of 10.15 on Sunday in Espoo’s Leppävaara at the Espoo Liikkuu Games.

The race was held on the renewed Mondo coating, and the run had a tailwind of 1.3 meters per second. The maximum permitted downwind is two meters per second.

According to Samuelsson, the start of the record run went well, and the run was balanced.

– Whenever I get a tailwind behind me, it’s easy to run. We have done a lot of speed training, a couple of times this summer as well. I can easily get involved in them, and it doesn’t feel like I’m just being pulled. I’ve gotten into the running well at overspeed, Samuelsson said in SUL’s press release.

– I believed in a good result already here, 10.2 and I was thinking about lower parts, but surprisingly it went so well.

The time beats the previous Finnish record of 10.16 held by Samuelsson by one hundredth. Satasen’s SE was for a long time Tommi Hartonen ran 10.21 in 2001, but was broken by Samuelsson in July 2022.

Samuelsson’s time entitles him to tenth place in European statistics for the season. The top result of the season is Great Britain’s By Reece Prescod 9.99.

Samuelsson won the race before Lapua Virkiä Valtteri Loukoa, who ran a time of 10.56. Vyborg Athletes Kalle Hirvi was third with a time of 10.60.

Samuelsson opened his 100 meter competition season on Wednesday in Jyväskylä, where he clocked times of 10.37 and 10.36.

– In the race in Jyväskylä, I felt that my legs just woke up there. In the race itself, I still didn’t get anything out of it, Samuelsson said.

– On the way home, in the car, I got the idea with my coach that I could come here to Espoo to run, if the conditions were good. Well, why not go, we said.

Samuelsson will next compete in the Paavo Nurmi Games on Tuesday. There are several tough foreigners on the line.

– A shockingly tough race is coming. There are three runners under 10 seconds, although one tough one was left out. You have to run hard to get to the final, Samuelsson predicts.

Finnish track and field athletes have already broken five Finnish records on outdoor tracks this season. Alisa Vainio ran a marathon SE in February and Camilla Richardson 10,000 meter record in May. Reetta Hurske pink a hundred meters SE of fences and Viivi Lehikoinen the four hundred meter hurdles record in June.

Updated at 15:29: Added Samuelsson’s comments.
