Samsung Will Produce Chips for Tesla Cars!

Samsung’s Chairman Lee Jae-yong with Tesla’s CEO Elon Musk during his recent visit to the USA automotive chips met to discuss the future partnership, which includes According to people familiar with the matter, Tesla is preparing an FSD (Fully Self-Driving) for its future cars. chip supplier calling. Samsung will undertake to manufacture the chip, while Tesla will keep the design in-house.

This first Tesla-Samsung collaboration It is important to note that it will not. As of now, the Korean tech giant provides batteries, Exynos Auto chips and camera sensors to Tesla. Even now, Samsung’s foundry in Texas produces 14nm chips for the American automaker. But the two companies are now discussing the production of much more advanced 5nm chips.

While the meeting looks promising from Samsung’s point of view, Tesla is still considering all options and ultimately TSMC may take the contract. In fact, back in December, TSMC emerged in a report calling Tesla’s future 4nm chip supplier.
