Samsung Türkiye organized “Galaxy Ultra Short Film Competition”

Samsung organized by Turkey Galaxy Ultra Short Film Competition As reported by, the journey of young directors is beginning.

Samsung Türkiye stated the following about the competition: “Galaxy Ultra Short Film Competition organized by Samsung Electronics Turkey is an initiative that supports young director candidates and enables them to take their first steps into the world of cinema. This competition encourages creativity and innovation at the intersection of technology and art. University and high school students can participate in the competition, so young artists have the opportunity to showcase their talents by producing their own short films. While the Galaxy Ultra Short Film Competition offers participants the opportunity to enter the cinema industry, it also emphasizes the impact of technology on forms of artistic expression. With this competition, Samsung aims to help discover future directors and develop their talents. The competition provides an excellent opportunity for young talents to tell their own stories and develop their creative vision.


Gülse Birsel, an important name in the Turkish cinema and television world, successful writer and actress, He takes part in the project to guide and inspire young artists on their journey. “Birsel, with her rich career experiences and unique perspective, will guide young talents and help them express their creativity at the highest level.”

Participants will present their stories, visions and creativity in short film format. This process will allow young artists to exhibit work in a professional environment and at the same time improve by receiving valuable feedback. In this exciting project, a shortlist of 10 people will be determined from among the applicants for the competition, these 10 participants Gulse Birsel He will participate in a workshop on cinema with.

At the end of the workshop, each participant will be given a common theme and will be provided with the necessary equipment to shoot short films on this theme using Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra phones. These films will be evaluated by a jury consisting of leading names in the film industry and experts from academic fields.

The jury will carefully examine the works of the participants and select the three best films and reward the winners. “This process will be an important experience for young talents and an opportunity to show themselves in the industry.”

Applications to participate in the competition will begin on November 23. For information about participation conditions, competition rules and more You can visit the website.

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