Samsung processor exclusive to “Galaxy” series will arrive too late

Samsung is developing processors exclusively for the Galaxy series

South Korean tech giant Samsung, is developing processors exclusively for the “Galaxy” series. But that doesn’t come right away.

Samsung has been around for a long time “Exynos” manufactures its own processors under the name However, these processors are not only used by Samsung. These processors are also sold to other companies from time to time. At the same time, although Samsung’s units that produce Exynos processors and phones are under the same roof, they are separate companies, MX and LSI. It is stated that there is a relationship in the style of buying and selling between these two companies. So the two names play independently up to a point. Here is the company that will take a different step in this regard, “Galaxy” is developing a processor specific to its series. This particular processor will enter Galaxy phones specifically and will be specially developed by the mobile department that produces the phones.

Today on this explanation from the most reliable sources close to Samsung Ice Universe, this intriguing processor Galaxy S25 so in the series 2025 It says it will appear in the next year. It looks like Samsung is starting from scratch for this processor and doesn’t rush the process. It is thought that the company also received help from AMD in this regard.

So what will be the benefit of these special processors? These new processors, which are exclusive to Galaxy phones, will most likely bring even better hardware and software optimization than Exynos processors. Thanks to this, devices will become much more efficient and consume less energy.


Meanwhile, other companies are developing processors to use in their own phones. One of the most important names in this OPPO and the firm is expected to exit the process by 2023. Xiaomialso has some current studies in the process. Google and apple names like these use their own processors in their smartphones.

Besides the Samsung processor development, you may also be interested in this: Interesting projector by Samsung Freestyle
