Samsung Obtains Swipeable Screen Phone Patent

Samsung Obtains Swipeable Screen Phone Patent

Samsung, a folding smartphone It was one of the first brands to go on sale. Since then, it has released many such models. However, it seems that the company only does not intend to use flexible displays for the folding phone format.

According to a new patent, the South Korean tech giant is likely; device a flexible sliding screen technology that wraps around Working on a new phone. In other words, a smartphone with a curved-front display we can say.

However, the display panel does not stop at the edges and extends to cover part of the back cover. The patent states that the device has two housings and a dual flexible display He adds that he has In one of these modesas the screen wraps around the phone; in other mode, by sliding the front panel out outward to become larger being extended.

This patent WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization) thanks to it. Therefore, the device While it looks pretty normal, it’s where its innovative design really shines. ground rear. Specifically, it has a screen that wraps around the phone. Xiaomi Mi MIX Alpha It also looks like a concept smartphone.

Looking at the patent drawings, that the flexible screen extends to the back of the phone and occupies approximately half of the back panel we can see. Meanwhile, the remaining half houses the triple camera module.

Interestingly, The rear camera also acts as a selfie camera. This is confirmed in patent images where we can see the smaller half screen on the back showcasing the camera app. In other words, the image the camera will take is a Similar to the viewfinder on a DSLR camera way. Let’s hope we can see such a patent really become a phone.
