Samsung is preparing to change the rules of the game in the field of artificial intelligence

Samsung is preparing to change the rules of the game

South Korean technology giant Samsungis preparing for revolutionary innovations that will completely change the world of mobile technology. The company developed Galaxy A.I. Its platform has never been seen before Gaussian What the model promises seems to radically change the user experience and our universal communication methods by pushing the boundaries of artificial intelligence.

Galaxy AI will transform technology and human experience

Samsung seems to make a name for itself in the world of technology and artificial intelligence with Galaxy AI. This platform allows smartphones to become the center of daily life rather than just a means of communication. This move of the company deeply questions and redefines the impact of technology on human experience.

Using the power of artificial intelligence, Samsung brings never-before-seen challenges to mobile devices. universal abilities aims to gain. With Galaxy AI, barrier-breaking communication features will be available with simplified productivity and unlimited creativity. This comes as a result of both the AI ​​installed on the devices the company develops and the cloud-based AI powered by open source collaborations with industry leaders.

AI Live Translate Call promises a utopian communication experience

According to information received from reliable sources in the industry, Samsung is testing a feature that will reshape the future of mobile communications: AI Live Translate Call (artificial intelligence supported live translation). This feature is integrated into Galaxy AI supported phones, allowing users to real-time language translation experience will change it radically.

Cult science fiction work The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy‘, a fantastic character that makes you understand all the languages ​​of the universe.babel fish‘ is explained. In the book, it is said that the person who puts this cute yellow fish in his ear can speak all languages.

in 1979 Douglas Adams This idea, conceived by figment And fantastic It had a quality. Now, Samsung’s AI Live Translate Call feature has brought this imaginary concept to life. real It carries you to a world. This innovative technology allows you to communicate fluently in multiple languages ​​without the need to put a fish in your ear.

AI Live Translate Call is a feature integrated into your phone’s calling function to overcome language barriers. This technology communicates with people around the world by translating languages ​​during phone calls. instantly And smoothly It offers a communication opportunity. Thus, language barriers literally melt away with this innovative solution from Samsung.

This feature not only understands the languages ​​of the people you are talking to, but also allows you to respond in your own language. This puts aside the difficulties of the language learning process, global One to the communication network It allows you to take steps. AI Live Translate Call realizes Adams’ visionary idea, opens the doors of universal communication. This innovation enables more open and barrier-free communication between people around the world, creating a real communication revolution promises.

Another remarkable aspect of AI Live Translate Call is that this feature does not require any without requiring a third application, integrating directly into the phone’s basic calling function. In other words, data security in these communications will be controlled by Samsung’s protection systems. Thus, this integration will create a natural and seamless experience for users, significantly simplifying their daily communications.

In short, the communication methods of the future have already begun to take shape around artificial intelligence.

Gauss brings innovations in language processing and data analysis to mobile devices, making users’ daily tasks easier.

The model takes its name from legendary mathematician Carl Friedrich Gauss, who founded the normal distribution theory, which is the backbone of machine learning and artificial intelligence. Samsung Gauss LanguageIt consists of Samsung Gauss Code and Samsung Gauss Image. The emergence of Gauss is at the center of this transformation. Gauss aims to make users’ daily tasks easier by bringing innovations in language processing and data analysis to mobile devices.

Samsung Gauss Language, an advanced language model, improves business processes. This model compose emails, summarize documents And content translation It contributes to business efficiency by making operations such as easier. Additionally, it takes the user experience to the next level by providing more effective control of smart devices.

Designed specifically for enterprise software development Samsung Gauss Code and works integrated with it coding assistant (code.i)offers developers fast and effective coding. Thanks to Samsung Gauss Code’s interactive user interface, it is also possible to create code explanations and test scenarios.

On the other hand, Samsung Gauss Image is a model that can easily implement style modifications and additions, as well as making creative visual designs. This model improves the quality of visual content by upgrading low-resolution images to high quality.

Samsung Gauss, which is currently used to increase employee productivity, will be introduced to various Samsung products in the near future to offer new user experiences, and the usage areas of the solution will be expanded.

The developments are considered as the beginning of a new generation of mobile experiences.

Long story short, the developments reveal that Samsung has taken important steps in the fields of artificial intelligence and computer engineering. With the influence of Galaxy AI and Gauss, Samsung is on the verge of a revolution that will enable mobile technologies to become an integral part of daily life, rather than just a means of communication. This news may be just the beginning of Samsung’s revolution in the field of artificial intelligence and may bring more innovations and developments in the future.
